God's Plan

God's Plan
My life is proof that God wants to use me... Starting now

Friday, January 21, 2011

God works even in the "insignificant" trials of life (A Redneck's Struggles)

 I had been hunting all season and had no deer to show for it. It was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and the last week of huntings season. I decided that this was going to be my last day hunting so I could spend the rest of the time with family over the holiday. My plan was to hunt the early morning for a buck, but if I had not shot one by then I was going to shoot the first deer I saw so I could bring home some meat. This morning was between -5 and 5 degrees with a nasty wind chill. I sat in what I thought was a good spot to get a chance at a BIG buck seen the day before. To my disappointment the deer were all moving farther down the hill so they could stay out of the wind. I had spent a portion of my time, as I sat there, praying for a chance to shoot the BIG one, but telling God I would be content with whatever He provided for me. After sitting about an hour I noticed movement down the hill but the trees were to thick for me to see if what I was seeing was a buck or a doe. Needless to say I was so cold that moving seemed like a better idea than sitting did to me, so I slowly got up and started my way down the hill. As I inched closer down the hill I found a buck that looked about 17 in. wide and a small doe. They were darting back and forth as they flirted with each other (kinda like some people during my junior year at college). I must have been 70 yards from the deer at this point but I was unable to shoot because I was shivering to hard to hold the gun steady. At this point I started praying that God would allow me to get close enough to get a good shot at the buck. I continued down the hill watching the deer very carefully to avoid being spotted. The the deer and his dear finally bedded down in some brush. I got even closer. I must have been 40 yards away but I was still shivering to hard to make a shot at this point. I walked to within 25 yards of the two deer (completely by the grace of God). The buck sensed something was not right so he stood up to see what was wrong. this was my chance so I shivered really hard so I could hold still long enough to take the shot. BANG! The buck ran to the right as I started to jack another round into the gun, but the action on the Winchester 94 was cold enough that it didn't take the round, so I tried again and finally got a round in, and by habit I put the gun on half cock safety. The buck stopped presenting another beautiful  broadside shot. BANG! Another miss! I stared in shock. How could I miss such an easy shot? This is when I started to have a personal pitty party for my self as I went to check and see if there did happen to be blood. Nothing. At this time I was in an all out fit blaming God, myself, and whatever else for the remarkably terrible shot. I continued to follow where the deer went still not believing that I missed such an easy shot. I eventually circled and was back where I started that morning, the whole time maintaining my pouting and poor attitude. As I continued I decided to put plan 'B' into action, shoot the first deer I see. As I walked I spent more time in prayer as I struggled with what happened just a short while ago. I knew that my actions were wrong but in my flesh I was still struggling with the idea of repenting for the poor attitude. I had now at this point started walking down the hill but in a different drainage than I did previously. I was not paying close attention being how my mind was still distracted. I glanced up as I was walking and stopped quickly. 50 yards in front of me looked to be like antlers in the buck brush behind a rise in the ground. Looking back it is interesting to see how I went from struggling with the poor attitude to praying that God would allow me to get close enough to shoot this deer (by this time the hiking warmed by body back up). I worked my way closer to this buck asking God to dull the buck's senses so I could get a shot off (and hit this time). I got within 30 yards and stopped for a shot... nope I still could only see antlers and ears. I tried getting closer. 20 yards... still only ears and antlers. 10 yards... still only ears and antlers. I sat there not wanting to move any closer in fear of scaring the game away. I was praying still that God would allow me to shoot this deer (the size of the deer was not registering in my cranial cavity). The buck finally stuck his head up just enough that I was able to try for a neck shot. BANG! He didn't even get out of his bed. I walked over to look at what I just shot. I took one look at the buck set my gun down, fell to my knees and cried in brokenness, amazement, and thankfulness. I in no way deserved to get a deer that day, but God in His Grace and Mercy allowed me to shoot this deer to remind me that He answers prayers, and that He works despite how rotten our attitudes can be. I am so thankful that God uses even the things that seem to have no spiritual value to show us His power and that we can trust in Him for all of our needs.

Oh yeah... This is the BIG buck that was spotted the day before...

I decided to have this one mounted because there is a lot more behind this deer than BIG antlers and a good hunt.

I Got My Mind on Christ

There are good things that I want to do,
but don't always do them,
and there are sinful things I want to avoid,
But constantly I join in.
It is not me doing this action
but this sin within is controlling
For there is nothing good within my flesh
What will save me from this mess?

I do not know why I do what I do
I got my eyes on my goal but I am
always running backwards
I got my eyes on my goal but I am
always running backwards

No one is righteous, none at all
Man has no understanding
We do not even seek out God
in fact all have turned away
murder is a reality of the heart
There is no concept of peace
There is nothing good to come from mans' mouth
Where is the fear of God?

I do not know why I do what I do
I got my eyes on my goal but I am
always running backwards
I got my eyes on my goal but I am
always running backwards

Christ, in the likeness of our sinful flesh
condemned sin in the flesh
now the right requirement of the law
is fulfilled by those who walk
by the Spirit but not the sinful flesh.
 I am now being transformed
by the renewing of my mind
So I can know the will of God.

Now I know why I do what I do
I got my mind on Christ and I
Grow in His likeness
I got my mind on Christ and I
Grow in His likeness

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Church Hunting

 I have been considering moving to Missoula, MT and so I have been searching out possible housing and Church options. The search so far has been more of a testing field of what my living costs will be and what I will run into when it comes to getting to the nitty gritty of search for a church family. This is somewhat how the Church search went (so far any way)...
Church 1 - "First Baptist Church of Missoula"
 The first Item I saw on their web page consisted of food, and as I scrolled down I saw that they did have a weekly potluck. They also had a "breakfast" before Church... at first I was concerned (we all know how rambunctious a Baptist breakfast can be), but my concerns were unnecessary because the message continued to say that it was "for all ages." As I continued the search I could not find anything dealing with what they actually believed... so the search continues...
 Church 2 - "Open Door Baptist Church"
 One of the First Things I saw on this page was a battle between the devil and the 1611 KJV... the KJV smashed the 1611. Just underneath this moving icon are statistics comparing the KJV with other translations and the comment "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Clearly this Church is KJV only, so me being one who uses the NKJV thought this could be a bad choice especially when I want to join the church I attend.
 Church 3 - "Midtown Church"
 This Church had style, the front page said that they dressed casually and "Love God, Love People, Love our Community." One of their worship leaders had some real big lamb chops and a mullet.
Church 4 - "Missoula Bible Church"
 This Church claims to be "A life changing Church." After some searching I discovered that the pastor preached with much "freedom and joy that brings life." She seemed like a good person but I decided to look on some more.
There were many other Churches that I looked at consisting of: "Christian Science Reading Room," "First Church of the Nazarene," "Garden City Church," "Saint Anthony Parish."
Well the looking is still going but I did find some that looked like good possibilities.
 On a more serious note I would like your prayers as I look for a Church and consider the different job opportunities (Fire, leather, or both). And on another side note I may be taking some college credit classes this coming winter if things go as I would like them to... but may God's direction in my life take first place and may my desires line up with His direction.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Canada or Bust!

 I am planning on a six week missions trip with a Pastor up on North Eastern Canada in Fort Chipewyan. My plans are to leave around the 21st of March (this is subject to change as is the extent of the trip, because I may like enough not to come back as soon. :D. My original plan was to buy a new car before I went up there but after realizing how picky I have been in the new vehicle department I decided to drive my 1978 Chevy Nova most of the way and fly in over the lake that may slow the road trip aspect of things. If I recall correctly the total miles of the whole trip will be in the 4200 mile range of things.
 The people Pastor Arlyn works with are the natives to Canada. The little village splits two tribal groups of people (West and East) so the language is a mix of mostly English and much influence of the native languages. The men are gone most of the winter on the trap line as the women and children stay in the village. Contrary to what people may think, these people do NOT use the sled dog as their main mode of transportation in the winter. They use Ski Doos (Snow mobile) to run their trap lines. There are also ice highways to get into the area during the winter, but in the summer they either have to fly or boat  into the village. Because of the time of year I chose to go up there I will fly in the last leg of the trip so I don't have my car left up there after the ice breakup.
 Pastor Arlyn told me that he may give me opportunity to speak in church at some point while I am up there. The exact details of every thing that I will be doing are not clear to me other than I am planning on being in Pastor's shadow to help where I can and to observe how he ministers to the people according to their needs.
 My prayer in my trip is to better understand missions on a first hand basis as well as better know where God will place to in my service for Him (Missions, Pastorate, Work field, etc.). My desire is as well to be as much of a blessing to Pastor Arlyn as I can while I am there with him.